Sunday, November 21, 2010

Things that guided me towards being an Industrial designer.....

When I was a young; I watched a lot of television (right, whose kid didn’t?). The time period was around the early to mid 70's. and I was at a very impressionable age. A major chain of events happening at the time was the American-Russian space race (which the Americans won, thankfully). These events (NASA completed several manned missions to the moon) held the national psyche locked in awe and as such the inspiration was felt in everything. I drank Tang in the mornings, my parents had a space age "globe" television on a stand in the kitchen, so that they may keep up with the Viet Nam war, on the daily evening news, there was the Apollo Soyuz mission, Steve Austin, the American astronaut who crashed and became the bionic man, 2001: A Space Odyssey (which I never understood until growing up) and a great many “space” inspired others. These sources had great affect on me; in fact I thought by now I'd be living in some fantastic, low orbital space station with a sentient computer and doubled as a gateway to the moon (what the heck happened?).
This loaded and turned on my curiosity akin to loading fuel into a nuclear reactor; once you load and flip that switch on, you can never shut it off. This is a common trait for Industrial designers, constant curiosity about things, and how they work.
My grade school teachers scolded me continuously for drawing Apollo rocket ships on my desks (all three stages, including the emergency safety engine sitting atop of the command module), in magnificent detail. That said, drawing is another trait common to Industrial designers.
I’ve posted a few URLS for space movies that were out at the time that really put the " fuel" in me and made me excited about space and the future, at the time, enjoy.

21stCenturiDesign blog goes live.........


This is the very first post for the 21stCenturiDesign blog. My hope for this effort is three fold: 
First - to use this medium as a tool in assisting the Industrial design profession (my profession) in becoming more prolific in the main stream psyche; through the utilization of written word and images. I.D. gets lost in between other disciplines and/or professions, many of which who take sole responsibility for the development of objects or ideas used by humanity. 
(yea - I know, tall order indeed, but I'll give it shot).

Many of you do not know or have ever heard of I.D., however you might be quite surprised to discover Industrial design is everywhere and in everything; indeed, it exists right under you very nose!

I.D. is the process of examining interfaces between humans and non-human OR human and humans; and then using the data to design something better ("better" can have different connotations for different people, of course). Within this interface exists a vast expanse of psychological, cultural, sociological, anthropological, mechanical, technological, social, demographic, transitional, traditional and economic issues...JUST to begin with (I cannot list everything). To process through this "data" jungle, I.D. professionals must use tight, focused and in-depth research/analysis to weed out the irrelevant and get to the crux of the problem or to what matters. While the byproduct of Industrial design can be seen as objects (cars, computers, phones, tools, etc.) the end of the process does not always conclude in the tangible; be it tactile or visual. It can be completely intangible. The important idea here is that Industrial design is the process of examination, observation, and thinking about how to develope new ways of examination, observation and thinking about developing new ways.....  
I believe Industrial design is like Kung is in everything we create or do.

Secondly, I hope this effort will generate business opportunities for 21stCD. 

As this effort is entirely in its infancy stages, more items will appear; such as examples of work (traditional and digital) and written I.D. related thoughts and maybe insights into myself and things I dig.

Should you have interest in hiring me for a project you may contact me at the e:mail link illustrated within. Feel free to leave commentary as you see fit.
